Latest News
Executive Committee Elections | 1st March 2023
2023 Regional Representatives Elections Are you a Māori grower in the Te Tau Ihu, Te Tai Rāwhiti, or the Rangitaiki region? Don't miss this opportunity to nominate a regional representative to be part of the Māori Kiwifruit Growers Forum Executive Committee! In this...
Executive Committee Elections | 4th November 2021
2021 Regional Representatives Elections Are you a Māori grower in Te Puke, Tauranga Moana, Whakatōhea or Te Matau-a-Māui? Don't miss the opportunity to nominate a regional representative to the Māori Kiwifruit Growers Forum Incorporated Executive Committee! There is...
Planting Guide now on Zespri’s Canopy
As you may have already seen in Kiwitips, Kiwifruit Journal etc. Zespri's new Planting Guide is now available from the Sustainability page on Canopy:...
Caravan / Mobile Home / Tiny House Fact Sheet
Caravans, mobile homes and tiny houses can be used to accommodate seasonal workers if rules under the district plan are met. There are different rules for self-contained vs not self-contained which are noted in the document linked below and on the council website...
2021 Electoral Roll
Executive Committee Elections | 12th March 2021
2021 Regional Representatives Elections Are you a Maori grower in Te Puke, Rangitāiki, Whakatōhea or Te Matau-a-Maui? Don't miss the opportunity to nominate a regional representative to the Maori Kiwifruit Growers Forum Incorporated Executive Committee! There is...
Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Award 2020
Ahuwhenua Ahuwhenua Young Māori Grower Award Winner Announced
Applications are open: Māori Kiwiberry Scholarship
Māori Kiwiberry Scholarship - Applications are now open! Māori Kiwifruit Growers Inc (MKGI) in conjunction with Zespri and Plant and Food Research are providing a kiwifruit cultivar development scholarship for one current Māori undergraduate or postgraduate student. ...
Congratulations to the Ahuwhenua Trophy Competition Finalists
Te Kaha 15B Hineora Orchard Otama Marere Ngai Tukairangi Trust
Māori Kiwifruit Growers
Building and growing the Māori Kiwifruit business for current and future generations
Stay Connected
© 2017 Māori Kiwifruit Growers Inc.
Chairman: Anaru Timutimu -
General Manager: Amy Tocker -
General Enquiries: